February 28, 2025
Dear Radiant,
Are you up for a quick dive into some etymology? Great, I knew you were.
Let’s look at the word decide.
Here’s the result from Oxford languages:
“late Middle English (in the sense ‘bring to a settlement’): from French décider, from Latin decidere ‘determine’, from de- ‘off’ + caedere ‘cut’.”
In simple terms, the word decide comes from the latin word decidere which means to cut off. There’s an intriguing and revealing truth in this.
To decide means to, in its essence, cut off all of the other options available to us to choose one thing.
Of course, that’s what makes decisions difficult. Your yes contains in it a million other no’s — no’s to all the other possibilities that are out there.
In a cultural moment that prizes options and choices (and in which an increased awareness of those options and choices exists), deciding is really tough.
Limiting oneself to one path feels means dying to so many other possibilities.
But cutting off other options and decide we must. We cannot do everything. We are not infinite.
I am convinced that the main thing that keeps us from playing our part in the God’s kingdom story this day and age is the fear that going all in on the kingdom of God would mean a million no’s to other things. That we might miss out. FOMO yo!
And there is truth to the reality that a yes to the kingdom, prioritizing God and his ways, means NOT prioritizing our little kingdoms and our little ways.
You can seek first one thing.
But the invitation from Jesus and the promise from Jesus is a glorious one:
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.
“All these things.” Do you really believe this? How would it shape your life?
See you at 10AM as we wrap up the series, “Everyone Gets to Play.” Come play this Sunday!
3/5 – Women’s Gathering 6-7AM at ELC
3/9 – Second Sunday Brunch at ELC
3/12 – Men’s Gathering 6-7AM at ELC
4/12 – Women’s Tea 10AM-12PM
4/20 – Easter Sunday 10AM
5/2-4 – Men’s Conference at Mission Springs (registration now open)

Women! You are up! This Wednesday from 6-7AM at ELC’s fellowship hall for a time of community and prayer.

Join us for brunch immediately following the service next Sunday. This is a potluck — so bring something to share. We’ll meander over to Emanuel Lutheran across the street and and do brunch together in their fellowship hall. This is always a great time.
Women, mark you calendars for the Women’s Tea for Saturday morning, April 12 from 10AM-12PM. More details and sign-ups to follow shortly.
Join us for a weekend of impact, challenge, and fun as we worship, fellowship, and grow in our faith journey in beautiful Mission Springs. It is guaranteed to bless your soul. Our hope is that the men at the conference will feel empowered to rise up as husbands, fathers, and men of faith. Despite their feelings, circumstances, or situations, they will seek out God. Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deed. REGISTER HERE STARTING FEB. 1st.NEW? GETTING PLUGGED IN…
HOME CHURCH – Is where the really good stuff happens as we grow as disciples of Jesus. You can fill out the form here if interested.
One way to connect at Radiant is to join our BAND APP group. Think of this as a sort of Radiant message board — our own little social media space. People can extend invites, share about needs and opportunities.
Thank you for your generosity and partnership in Radiant’s ministry!
Here’s the link to online giving.
Grace and Peace!