Our Vision

To ignite a multiplying movement of ordinary people radiant with God’s love and power.

These are bewildering times. While technology promises utopia and connection our world is wracked with anxiety and loneliness.

Radiant Covenant Church is a new and eclectic group of people captivated by the love of Jesus. We’re slowing down and falling in love with him again, practicing his simple way for the good of Modesto and beyond.

While we’ll never be perfect, we’re a community that believes a life radiant with God’s love and power really is possible.

So we’re on a journey in a strange time. Know this: there is room for you too – skeptic, seeker, disciple of Jesus.

Below you’ll find what we call our “rule of life.” These are practices we are committed to as we apprentice ourselves to Jesus.  This rule is sort of like a trellis for a vine that supports our flourishing in Christ.

Life With God

In a distracted, hurried world vying for our attention, we set our gaze upon God. We believe being an apprentice of Jesus (one who is growing into his likeness) means cultivating a vibrant, interactive, and loving relationship with God.


PRAYER – We pursue lives of interactive relationship with God — whether we are in Sunday worship, in solitude and silence retreats, or doing dishes. Being with God is the means of transformation as well as our ultimate destination. Our love for God is the fuel for all that we do.

BIBLE READING – Our hearts and imaginations are more shaped by the Bible than our social media feeds, news channels, or political affiliations. We study, discuss, wrestle with, and pray God’s authoritative word.

REST – We ruthlessly eliminate hurry. We are not afraid to stop, breath, and rest. In fact, we schedule rest and play before we schedule work. But our lives have predictable patterns of work and rest, engagement and retreat. We enjoy the goodness of our God.

In Community

We believe that in Christ family is a much broader concept than we previously imagined. 


FAMILY – In Christ, family is a much broader concept than we previously imagined. Though we are of wildly different backgrounds, we commit to a way of life together: playing, worshiping, serving, and learning together. We walk together in joy and in suffering. This a texture more than a program — organic and organized. We know his dog’s name is Dave, we know where they keep the mugs.

EMPOWERMENT – Through the stability provided by our relational culture of family, we make life-long apprentices of Jesus and look to apprentice others in his way. We avoid spiritual feudalism. We develop and empower and thereby multiply Jesus’ kingdom movement.

EMOTIONAL HEALTH – In an era of increased anxiety and depression and toxic ways of relating to one another we do the interior work of knowing ourselves that we might know God and each other. We practice good boundaries, are not afraid of conflict, and are honest about our limits.

On Mission

We join the God who is on mission, proclaiming that Jesus is King and inviting all to new life through trust in him.We deploy all of our creativity and capital to bring about God’s deliverance, healing, and shalom in our workplaces, neighborhoods, and in the nations.


HOSPITALITY – We keep a ready stock of coffee and tea so that we can welcome our neighbors and our enemies. We’ve come to know that our tables are places of joy and connection, where outsiders are brought in. 

STORY-SHARING – We are learning to be good listeners. And naturally extending to others what we enjoy, we are eager to share our stories of Jesus’ love and power with family, friends, co-workers, haircutters, dental hygienists, the guy at the taqueria. 

JUSTICE – We are a family of dreamers and adventurers — we deploy our creativity and capital to bring about God’s healing, justice, and shalom in our workplaces, neighborhoods, and in the nations. Through the Spirit’s empowerment, we demonstrate God’s kingdom that is at hand.