December 1, 2023

Dear Radiant, 

You’ve probably heard us mention the term Advent over the past few weeks.  In the church calendar, this always occurs right before the Christmas season.  This Sunday is the first of four Sundays in Advent. 

Advent comes from the latin word, “adventus” which means coming.  During advent we both remember that Jesus came to us and that he is coming again (though this part often gets left out). 

So advent is a season of hope rooted in Jesus.  We remember Israel’s hope and expectation of a messiah — and we celebrate the coming of the messiah, Jesus, who became flesh and dwelt among us.   More than that, we look forward with great expectation of Jesus’ return.  

So this advent, it is our prayer that in a deep way, hope would be ignited in us.   That we would comprehend the world changing reality of Christmas – of Emanuel, God with us.    That we would experience his empowering presence and recline into his peace.  

So we sing/ prayer again, in the words of a great advent hymn:

Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel’s strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

See you this Sunday at 5!  We’ll have the Christmas up, hot beverages, treats, and a kid craft station following the service! 

EVENTS CALENDAR (see below for details)12/1 – Frontier Ranch registration open! 
12/3 – 1st Sunday in Advent – hot drinks, treats, and kids crafts following the service 
12/7 – Rad Youth Christmas Pajama Party 6:30 – 8:30 at ELC 
12/8  – Rad Youth Refugee Outreach 
12/10 – 2nd Sunday in Advent – hot drinks, treats, and kids crafts following the service
12/17 – 3rd Sunday in Advent – hot drinks, treats, and kids crafts following the service
12/24 – 4th Sunday in Advent/ Christmas Eve Service – 2PM 
12/31 – New Year’s Eve Service – 2PM  ADVENT 2023!

Advent begins 12/3 – we have a couple special things going on to mark the Advent season at Radiant:

We are creating some hospitality space for the Radiant community and visitors after each Advent service.   We’ll have hot drinks, treats, and a kids craft station immediately following our advent services.  Stick around and get to know some folks. 

FREE ADVENT DEVOTIONALS AVAILABLE THIS SUNDAYWe will have free advent devotionals that line up with our Advent sermon series this Sunday. These are provided from Water from Rock ministries and are a great way to open our hearts to Jesus in this season.   

As announced this past Sunday,  Radiant is partnering with World Relief Modesto to bless newly resettled refugees. Here are some furnishings and supplies that are currently needed:
– Couches
– Coffee Tables
– Towels
– Blankets
– Hygiene items (shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush/toothpaste, diapers, wipes, feminine hygiene items, soap/body wash, ect.)
– Cleaning Supplies
– Walmart/Amazon Gift Cards
We will be collecting these donations on Sunday evenings starting Nov. 26 through Christmas Eve from 4:30-7PM. The drop-off location will be in the foyer of the sanctuary at Emanuel Lutheran Church – 324 College Ave. If you need some help with larger donations or have any general questions — reach out to Zach 209.497.3710. 


The Covenant Church operates a phenomenal summer camp in the Santa Cruz mountains.  There are week long options for 4-6th graders and 7-9the graders.  Registration opens today, 12/1.  Spots will fill quickly.   Scholarships available from the website.  Register here. 


We will be hosting prayer walks on the first and third Thursdays of the month during youth group at 6:30PM. This is a time to pray for the community and surrounding neighborhoods and local businesses and schools. Please attend if you are able. We will meet at the Radiant Parking lot and walk the Virginia Corridor.  RSVP on the Band App.


Radiant Home Churches are communities of discipleship in the way of Jesus and are foundational to our life as a church.  If you are not currently in a home church, or would like to try a new Home Church, please fill out this interest form, and we’ll follow up with you as the groups take shape.  You can also directly reach out to the leaders listed below and they will get you connected.  

One way to connect at Radiant is to join our BAND APP group.  Think of this as a sort of Radiant message board — our own little social media space. People can extend invites, share about needs and opportunities.  

Thank you for your generosity and partnership in Radiant’s ministry.   Here’s the online link for giving, tithes, and offerings.

Grace and Peace,


