The Alpha Course is returning! Tuesdays starting 9/26! What is Alpha?  Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next? It's for those exploring Jesus, for those who are skeptical, for those who want to be refreshed. […]

Women’s Conference Mission Springs

BLESSED AND BROKEN: Jesus took the bread, blessed the bread, broke the bread, and gave the bread. These four words not only summarize the life of Jesus but are central to our spiritual lives as well. Join us for an unforgettable weekend with other women where we dive into what it means to live as chosen, […]


If you are newer or newish to Radiant and would like to learn more about our story, what we believe and how we practice it -- Jill and I would love to have you over for some pizza this Sunday.    Not only are we excited to share about the church -- but we'd like […]


6am, this Wednesday brothers! See you there!  ELC Fellowship Hall.

Chili Cook-Off

Start prepping the beans.  Radiant's 3rd Annual Chili Cookoff will be on November 3rd at ELC following the 5PM service.  Bring the kids for some fun fall crafts. Let Laura know if you plan on bringing a Chili to compete!  Sign up in at welcome table.

Holy Spirit Conference

We have N.T. Wright (amazing New Testament scholar), Tim Mackie (of the Bible Project!), and more coming for a Holy Spirit conference!  Well, let me clarify....Bridgetown church in Portland is actually hosting their seventh annual Holy Spirit conference with those great speakers.  We are going to be joining the conference via livestream together, learning and practicing […]

Super Bowl Fun

While I'm bummed the 49ers aren't playing this year in the Super Bowl, we are going to have some post church football fun next Sunday.  We'll have some hot dogs and chips and maybe even some football games -- (i.e. kicking field goals, punting, a little touch football) after the service.   FYI -- I am a halfway […]

Women’s Gathering

Women! You are up! This Wednesday from 6-7AM at ELC's fellowship hall for a time of community and prayer. 

Second Sunday BRUNCH

Join us for brunch immediately following the service next Sunday.  This is a potluck -- so bring something to share.  We'll meander over to Emanuel Lutheran across the street and and do brunch together in their fellowship hall.  This is always a great time. 

Women’s Tea

Women, mark you calendars for the Women's Tea for Saturday morning, April 12 from 10AM-12PM.  More details and sign-ups to follow shortly.

Easter Sunday

At MJC's recital hall....followed by brunch at ELC.

Men’s Retreat at Mission Springs

Join us for a weekend of impact, challenge, and fun as we worship, fellowship, and grow in our faith journey in beautiful Mission Springs in Scotts Valley. It is guaranteed to bless your soul. Our hope is that the men at the conference will feel empowered to rise up as husbands, fathers, and men of […]