January 17, 2025 

Dear Radiant, 

As it turns out a 13th century monk has some really great advice on falling in love. 

Saint Thomas Aquinas, writes: “love is born of an earnest consideration of the object being loved.”

In other words, love follows a deep and sincere understanding of whatever thing we consider. 

Our love grows for a city when we get to its history, its neighborhoods, its challenges, its people, it’s intricate, layered beauty. 

Our love grows for baseball when we learn what a four seam fastball is, when we appreciate the art of a well-executed hit and run, and when truly understand the redemption of the lowly Chicago Cubs finally winning a World Series title.

And our love grows for people when we earnestly consider them.  When we understand their joys and sorrows, their idiosyncratic habits, their particular story and their unique loveliness. 

For God too, our the fire of our love is stoked by knowledge of God’s lovely character.  The knowledge of God kindles our love.  

It’s in such relational interplay that Moses asks the LORD, “Show me your glory.”  

I love the simplicity and spiritual hunger behind this request.  And I wonder if we have the gall to still ask that question? I wonder if we have lately “earnestly considered” God and his loveliness?  

This Sunday we will fix our eyes upon God.  We will again ask to see  his glory and to seek his face. 

Let’s fall in love again. 

See you Sunday at 10AM! 


1/22 – Women’s Gathering, 6-7AM at ELC 
1/25 – Youth Conference at Mid-town Church
1/26 – Newcomer’s Pizza 12:00-1:00PM at Zach and Jill’s
2/2 – Children’s Ministry Volunteer Meeting 2-3PM at ELC
2/7-8 – Holy Spirit Conference (livestream)


NEWCOMER PIZZA – If you are newer, newish with us, we’d love to get to know you a bit.  We’re relational here — so Jill and I like to invite you over for post-church pizza on 1/26 at 12pm. Sign up here. 

HOME CHURCH – Is where the really good stuff happens as we grow as disciples of Jesus.  These smaller communities are reconvening in mid-January.  You can fill out the form here if interested. 


Ladies, you are up! This Wednesday from 6-7AM at ELC’s fellowship hall for a time of community and prayer. 


We have N.T. Wright (amazing New Testament scholar), Tim Mackie (of the Bible Project!), and more coming for a Holy Spirit conference with Radiant!  Well, let me clarify….Bridgetown church in Portland is actually hosting their seventh annual Holy Spirit conference with those great speakers.  We are going to be joining the conference via livestream together, learning and practicing what it means to welcome the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

To learn more about the conference you can go here.  To sign up to join us for the livestream, fill out this form.   This will help us plan accordingly.

Children’s ministry volunteers (and would-be volunteers) are invited to gather for a training and safety meeting on February 2nd at 2PM at Emanuel Lutheran’s Fellowship hall.  Contact Crystal Martinez for more questions 


One way to connect at Radiant is to join our BAND APP group. Think of this as a sort of Radiant message board — our own little social media space. People can extend invites, share about needs and opportunities.  

Thank you for your generosity and partnership in Radiant’s ministry! 
Here’s the link to online giving.

Grace and Peace!



