December 22, 2023

Dear Radiant, 

Isn’t it ironic that the symbol we most associate with the Prince of Peace is a cross, an instrument of brutal torture and death?

And when we look at Jesus’ birth, life, and death — it’s not like it was a particularly peace-filled experience.   Angst, commotion and conflict followed in his wake even as he brought good news, healing, and deliverance to people.   At one point, people tried to throw him off a cliff.  At another, his family begged him to stop his ministry.  

It seems that the kind of peace offered is not peace as typically conceived by the world.  He said as much when he said,  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.” John 14:27

Jesus’ peace is the sort that enters into the mess.  And as this peace intersects with the brokenness and sin in the world, there is often a necessary but healing clash.  

This is because Jesus isn’t content with giving us false peace — a peace that papers over our hurt and need and holds it together with scotch tape. 

Rather, Jesus’ peace is the kind that digs down to bedrock.  

His saving work determines its necessary to tear down the things we use to hide and disrupt the things we know will never offer us the lasting peace we crave.  

Jesus’ peace is real and must meet us in our actual reality…as bloody as it may be.  

Friends, sorry for the severe language on a warm and fuzzy time — but this kind of peace is better than the warm and fuzzy, seasonal peace of a holiday. This is peace that lasts.   

So, even though it may hurt our eyes at first, let us open up the curtains and let the light into the darkness. 

The Prince of Peace, Jesus, is here.  

Join us this Christmas Eve as celebrate the Prince of Peace, who still enters the darkness and the mess.  

*Service time change for Sunday — 2PM! 

EVENTS CALENDAR (see below for details)

12/24 – 4th Sunday in Advent/ Christmas Eve Service – 2PM 
12/31 – New Year’s Eve Service – 2PM 

1/7  – Sunday Worship – 5PM
1/14 – Home Churches start back up! 

ADVENT 2023!
Radiant is partnering with World Relief Modesto to bless newly resettled refugees. Here are some furnishings and supplies that are currently needed:
– Couches
– Coffee Tables
– Towels
– Blankets
– Hygiene items (shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush/toothpaste, diapers, wipes, feminine hygiene items, soap/body wash, ect.)
– Cleaning Supplies
– Walmart/Amazon Gift Cards
We will be collecting these donations on Sunday evenings starting Nov. 26 through Christmas Eve from 4:30-7PM. The drop-off location will be in the foyer of the sanctuary at Emanuel Lutheran Church – 324 College Ave. If you need some help with larger donations or have any general questions — reach out to Zach 209.497.3710. 


Our friends from he Mozambique Covenant church passed along this Advent Conspiracy gift giving idea to us.  If you would like to consider a different kind of Christmas gift this year that blesses and empowers the global poor —  take a look.


The Covenant Church operates a phenomenal summer camp in the Santa Cruz mountains.  There are week long options for 4-6th graders and 7-9the graders.  Registration opened on 12/1.  Spots will fill quickly.   Scholarships available from the website.  Register here. 
One way to connect at Radiant is to join our BAND APP group.  Think of this as a sort of Radiant message board — our own little social media space. People can extend invites, share about needs and opportunities.  

You all are awesome. Thank you for your generosity and partnership in Radiant’s ministry over 2023.  
Currently we are at 99% of our giving goal for the 2023 budget year. 

Here’s the online link for giving, tithes, and offerings.

Grace and Peace,


