November 10, 2023
Hey Radiant! I like what the British missiologist Leslie Newbigin says about motivation for mission:
“The deepest motive for mission is simply the desire to be with Jesus where he is, on the frontier between the reign of God and the usurped dominion of the devil.”
I find that thrilling: as followers of Jesus, we are called to participate in this “frontier” work with Jesus wherever we may be — whether that is in Modesto or the state of Maharashtra in India.
This Sunday, Victor Chen and Ellie Gundlach will be sharing about God’s mission and our place in it — particularly reflecting on Ellie’s recent revision trip to this area of India.
I am excited for everyone to hear about Jesus’ work through our Indian brothers and sisters and more than that, how we might move from the sidelines to the frontlines as we join God’s good work here and now!
See you Sunday at 5! (And don’t forget it’s the Second Sunday Supper — Chili Cook-off! I’m pumped!)
EVENTS CALENDAR (see below for details)
Home Churches are now in session!
Tuesdays – The Alpha Course 6-8PM
11/12 – Chili Cook-off
11/15 – Men’s Gathering 6-7AM
11/15 – Men’s Axe Throwing Event
11/16 – Radiant Middle School Gathering 6:30PM
11/16- Prayer Walk at ELC 6:30PM
11/18 – ELC Campus Workday11/22 – Thanksgiving Eve Service with Emanuel Lutheran Church
12/3 – 1st Sunday in Advent
12/24 – Christmas Eve Service – 2PM
This Sunday we’re doing a chili cook off contest. We’re pumped. If you would like to bring chili or anything else please let Laura Fowler know –
Hey brothers! Tis the season for….axe throwing. We are going to meet at the Smart Axe, 3020 Floyd Ave on Wednesday night, 11/15 at 6pm. We’ll provide pizza. This should be a great time to connect together and hone a crucial survival skill. Cost is $20. Text John Fowler, 209-345-5854, by 11/12 so we can plan ahead.
We will be hosting prayer walks on the first and third Thursdays of the month during youth group at 6:30PM. This is a time to pray for the community and surrounding neighborhoods and local businesses and schools. Please attend if you are able. We will meet at the Radiant Parking lot and walk the Virginia Corridor. RSVP on the Band App.
Emanuel Lutheran is having another campus workday on Sat. 11/18 from 9-11AM — they will be hedging bushes and doing some other campus clean-up. Feel free to come for as little or long as you like.
THANKSGIVING EVE JOINT SERVICE WITH ELC We are grateful to have been invited again to share a joint Thanksgiving Eve service with Emanuel Lutheran Church. Join us at 11/22 at 7pm for a time of worship and gratitude to God.
What is Alpha? Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What’s the purpose of life? What’s next? It’s for those exploring Jesus, for those who are skeptical, for those who want to be refreshed. It is an 10 week course, but you are welcome to come to the first gathering to check it out, no commitment required. This is a great community to invite friends who are exploring faith — all questions welcomed If you’re looking for a judgment-free space to ask hard questions, share your own opinion, or even just observe, there’s a place for you. Sign up here.
Radiant Home Churches are communities of discipleship in the way of Jesus and are foundational to our life as a church. If you are not currently in a home church, or would like to try a new Home Church, please fill out this interest form, and we’ll follow up with you as the groups take shape. You can also directly reach out to the leaders listed below and they will get you connected.
One way to connect at Radiant is to join our BAND APP group. Think of this as a sort of Radiant message board — our own little social media space. People can extend invites, share about needs and opportunities.
Thank you for your generosity and partnership in Radiant’s ministry. Here’s the online link for giving, tithes, and offerings.
Grace and Peace,