Hey Friends,

When I read my news feed I tend to come away a little more informed and a whole lot sadder. It is difficult to read about the political and economic carnage of the day. A new variant? Russia did what to innocent Ukrainians? How many points to the Dow Drop and inflation rise?

Of course, news agencies know that bad news captures our attention better than good news. Check out this illustrative and depressing graph from a study of magazine covers.

I don’t mean to minimize or downplay the reality of bad things happening in the world (especially the last couple of years!). It’s just that they get all the press and most of our attention.

But the good news is that God is writing a beautiful story in Jesus Christ. This far outweighs and will outlast the bad.

And people need to hear it fresh.

People (us included) need to know that there is a better story, that God invites them into — one where they are known and loved and forgiven through trust in Jesus.

But that story needs to be proclaimed with authenticity and vulnerability. Can I get a witness?

We are talking about the practice of story sharing this week. The practice of sharing stories of Jesus with others.

If you are like me, this can be a little terrifying. Are we handing out bullhorns and sandwich boards? Will we stand on corners on soapboxes (what’s a soapbox anyway?).

Short answer: No.

But we will talk about unleashing the power of your story of Jesus as an apprentice of Jesus for the good of others. Hear me out — this is simpler and not as weird as you might think. I am excited to see what happens.

Hey, if you haven’t yet, find and follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Share our livestream with friends and keep up to date with what’s going on this summer.

Manny and Ellie are hosting an outdoor movie night for youth! We will gather on June 20th from 8:30-10:30 PM to watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Snacks will be provided, but be sure to bring a comfy chair, blanket, and bug spray (or a lightsaber…)!

